

02 Mrz 2015

Self hosted video

Duett Tony & Martin

06 Sep 2011

After a life-threatening illness, an aging artist attempts to meditate symbolically to cope with his trauma. He only paints an incomplete circle and wants to show that his life has to go on despite the shattering life experience and that the circle of his life has not yet closed.

06 Sep 2011

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam semper leo eget sapien ultrices vitae facilisis massa dictum. Fusce eu purus a urna accumsan luctus. Nullam sit amet nisi non ante ultrices egestas. Proin erat nulla, congue adipiscing accumsan id, sollicitudin eget dolor. Vestibulum ipsum urna, consequat vel cursus ut, scelerisque vel nisl. Suspendisse molestie facilisis dui, et rutrum enim fermentum id. Curabitur tincidunt tellus sed risus vulputate fringilla. Mauris luctus posuere odio, quis viverra purus consequat ac. Aliquam luctus […]

06 Sep 2011

Warten auf Angelika

Waiting for Angelika After their house kitten “Tony” dies, a couple lures a stray cat with delicious food. A camera records “Angelika” on her first visit to the food bowl. Later she sneaks into the house unnoticed by the busy woman.